The Free CV Surgery

Show them your true worth

Learn how to write the perfect CV easily and quickly with our free webinar.

And no, this isn’t a sales pitch in disguise!

Just valuable knowledge for free.

How Does The CV Surgery Work?

CV Surgery is a free 60 minute Zoom session in which we guide you on exactly how to write the CVs customers pay us for.

We also bust a few myths along the way.

You’ll learn:

  • How to use ChatGPT the right way

  • How to target your CV for each role, quickly and confidently

  • Exactly how to write your achievements

  • The perfect CV structure – one which is easily understood by software and people

  • How to beat the negative thoughts that stand in your way

Then, we send you the CV Surgery Pack which includes:

  • The video of your session (please keep your camera off if you don’t want to be recorded)

  • A CV template for the perfect CV structure

  • An example CV

  • The slides from the presentation

  • Matt’s ebook, Work, Reward & The Good Life, all about understanding how to find work that really suits you.

Yes, you receive all of that for FREE.

Still not convinced? Take a look at the Testimonials below!


Recommendations on my LinkedIn profile.

“I had an amazing session with Matt Shewbridge on the CV surgery!

I was lucky enough to secure a spot and learn so much quickly. Here’s a quick summary of the key points that resonated with me:

Period of Transformation and Growth:
Matt emphasized how crucial it is to embrace change and continually grow professionally and personally. His insights into the evolving field of CV writing were eye-opening and highlighted the need for adaptability.

Personal Journey:
Hearing about Matt's journey was incredibly inspiring. He shared the highs, lows, challenges, and triumphs, reminding us that persistence and resilience are key to success. His story reinforced the idea that every step, no matter how small, is part of a bigger journey.

Helping and Empowering Others:
One of the most powerful takeaways was the importance of lifting others. Matt spoke passionately about mentoring, sharing knowledge, and creating opportunities for those around us. It's a reminder that our success is amplified when we help others succeed.

I’m feeling incredibly inspired and motivated to apply these lessons moving forward. A huge thank you to Matt for such an enriching experience!”


“I attended one of Matt's CV surgeries and he knows what he is on about. He broadly covers ATS, structure, format, language and talks more broadly about how employers approach the process. Did I mention it was a free session? Matt is also really personable, funny, honest and you get the impression that what you see is what you get.”


I had the pleasure of attending one of Matt's CV Surgery sessions where he shared good insights on how to restructure CV and the world of job searching as a whole. In addition, he was very down to Earth in explaining the path that has led him to where he is now providing a significant boost to his credibility. Go and attend one of his sessions if you want to know more (and maybe better yourself :-D )”


I had the pleasure of attending an informative CV workshop led by Matt, and I can't recommend him highly enough. Matt's expertise in crafting compelling CVs was evident from the start. He provided clear, actionable advice that was both practical and insightful, tailored to our individual needs. His engaging presentation style and willingness to address all our questions made the workshop not only educational but also enjoyable. Thanks to Matt's guidance, I feel much more confident in presenting my professional experience effectively. He's a fantastic resource for anyone looking to enhance their CV and stand out in the job market.”


Matt's process helps me produce high quality, tailored CVs for each job I apply to, thus increasing the likelihood of getting an interview. Thanks Matt!”


You know how sometimes working on your CV can feel a bit meh and boring, especially when you've been editing it frequently? Matt solves that.

Funny and friendly, he makes CVs cool. And honest. He'll tell you when you might face hurdles and how to keep going after the role you want. I was on his CV Surgery Call and he had so many helpful pointers to share for a CV that shows your impact, personality and experience. 😊”

“Highly recommend Matt and the CV Surgery initiative, it was a great and useful learning experience!”


I attended Matt’s CV surgery yesterday. It turns out I’ve been doing it wrong all along. I either wrote a CV to try and appeal to everyone, or wrote it from the perspective of trying to tick all the boxes for a specific role. The biggest thing I got was to present myself in terms of what’s important to ME but with consideration to what a role requires. That way, a prospective employer can decide if I’m the right fit to take things forward. There’s more freedom that way.”


Matt is a kind, friendly and supportive guy who wants ot help people suceed on their own merit, he was great offering his time and guidance on my CV at a stressful time as I have been made redundant,if you are stuck, drop him a line, he will make things much easier and give you as much help as you need.”


Matt is truly one of a kind. He offers a unique, hands-on perspective on things that can genuinely turn your worldview upside down. He has a knack for conveying information in the most direct and straightforward manner possible, and his honesty is truly refreshing in a world filled with so many snake oil salesmen. Let him assist you - he can truly guide you through the impenetrable fog of modern job hunting!”


“Attended Matt's CV masterclass and it completely up-ended everything I've ever been told. Finally a format that makes sense - straightforward and elegant.”

“I recently joined one of Matt's online training events and he really knows his stuff. Whether it's about CVs, the recruiting landscape, or how to present yourself to recruiters / employers, he cuts out all the fluff and delivers advice that's relevant and actionable. Straight-talking, funny and a good bloke to know if you're in the jobs' market.”



“Hey Matt,

I'll just preface by saying I'm so glad I stumbled across you on LinkedIn.

When I opened the pack, I checked the CVs first before watching the video, and I thought, This is different from what I've learnt. Then I watched the video and everything was put in context. And your method feels way more right to me than what I learnt about presenting a one-page, impersonal CV where you copy and paste AI-generated bullet points quantified in ways you don't even understand.

I cannot wait to put things into action, and I'll sure let you know when the interviews start pouring in.

About the guide, I'm blown away! I've been getting into deep thinking and philosophy for a while now, so the concepts you explored deeply resonated with me. I saw intersections with minimalism, which is very valuable to me, and stoicism, which I'm beginning to study. I know I'll return to it again and again. I'm totally recommending you to my network.

On networking, I just deleted my LinkedIn profile some days ago. I've struggled sorely with maintaining a social media presence; I always end up deleting the account. I have a pathological struggle with overwhelm, and I've not yet grasped the tools needed to extract the most value from social networks while steering clear of their beguiling traps. Sometimes I question if there is even any value, at least that aligns with mine.

After reading your guide, I thought of retrieving the account (I've got a week or so), but I'm wary of that. What I want to do is apply for jobs that matter to me without social media being in play. Will I succeed or not? I'll never know if I don't try. At the same time, I'll sit with myself and your guide and Cal Newport's Digital Minimalism (totally recommend) and figure out my work/digital life. If my social internet absence does keep me from getting a job, at least I'd have the tools then for succeeding at that by the time I get back online.

I think this email is getting too long. Summary is, you're great, Matt, and your resources are great. Thank you for doing what you do. I'm (finally) excited about job hunting in a sustainable way.

Keep on keeping on. Send my best to Ellie and your cats.

Warm regards,

XXX (private email)


  1. I’m shy; will I have to talk or show my current CV?

    Absolutely not! Lots of people are uncomfortable talking in video meetings! If that’s you, don’t worry at all; you can just sit and listen.

  2. What’s the catch?

    There really isn’t one! I may possibly email you from time to time, but I never do “offers” or that kind of spammy stuff. If I email you it will be with something I think you’ll genuinely enjoy. You can always block my email address if you want!

  3. Can I ask questions during the call?

    Sure! Ask away! If there are loads of attendees, I will ask for questions to be written in the chat, so I can filter out answer multiple questions in one answer.

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